Meet the Trainers

Our team strives to stay up to date with all the latest developments in positive dog training.

Yuruani Olguin

Yuruani Olguin is the founder of Yuruani Olguin Dog Training, Inc. She has worked extensively with clients throughout New York City, helping build relationships based on mutual respect and understanding.

Yuruani is CPDT-KA certified and her training is based on force-free techniques, taking into account all aspects of each individual dog’s situation, including breed, background, temperament and—very importantly—household environment.

Yuruani is also a Certified Separation Anxiety Trainer (CSAT). She specializes in working with clients whose dogs suffer from separation anxiety through a humane systematic desensitization protocol. Her goal is to help dogs and their humans live a happy and healthy life together.

Stephanie Ip

Born and raised in Staten Island, Stephanie has always had a passion with animals. After being inspired by her fearful pit bull-mix rescue, Stephanie decided to start her dog training career while receiving an education in Psychology and Animal Behavior at Hunter College. She has also worked at the New York Aquarium handling and caring for marine animals and educating the public on the importance of conservation.

Stephanie is CPDT-KA certified and strives to strengthen the bond between dog and pet parent through positive force-free techniques, trust building, and communication. She has taught a variety of classes ranging from puppy socialization to reactivity in both group and private settings.

Stephanie is currently in the process of becoming a Certified Service Dog Trainer through the Atlas Assistant Dog organization.

Angela Meglio

Angela Meglio is a force-free trainer with over 14 years of experience working with animals. She is an Accredited Dog Trainer through the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC ADT), A Fear Free Certified Trainer (FFCT), Low Stress Handling Certified Silver through Low Stress Handling University, Pet CPR and First Aid Certified, a Basic Canine Specialist through the International Pet Boarding and Services Association, a Volunteer Application scorer for the IAABC and a mentor for Animal Behavior College. Angela has written Dog training and behavior articles on a national scale for Petco and for local publications in the Berkshires. In addition, Angela has also begun Pre-Veterinary school and enjoys pursuing continuing education in her free time.

Angela has worked with dogs of different ages, breed, and size and specializes in dogs with reactivity and anxiety. As an Accredited Dog Trainer, Angela uses a Least Intrusive Minimally Aversive (LIMA) approach to her training and believes that treating your dog with kindness and patience is of utmost importance.

Helen Colombo

Helen’s dog training career began in AKC obedience and dog sport competitions. She was a staff trainer for the San Francisco SPCA’s newly created behavior department where she worked under the guidance of Jean Donaldson. She is a graduate with honors from the SF SPCA Academy for Dog Trainers with a Certificate of Training and Counseling (CTC). She became manager of the SF SPCA Behavior Department where she directed training and behavior modification for shelter dogs and public clients, as well as leading a variety public group classes from puppy to specialty.

She played a key role in establishing the intake evaluation program, staff training, and protocols for the SF SPCA Adoption and Behavior Department, ensuring that every dog received the care and attention they needed. She also evaluated canine candidates for the SF SPCA Therapy and Hearing Dog program. Her extensive experience and unwavering dedication to the well-being of dogs and their guardians makes her a trusted resource for anyone seeking expert guidance in dog training and behavior. Now, Helen is thrilled to bring her knowledge and passion to the vibrant and diverse dog families of New York City.